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The Judgment Seat-The Final Appointment

What will it be like to stand before an all-knowing God to answer for your life here on earth? Does it create uneasiness and a stream of unanswered questions? What is God really like? What will He base his decision on? How much mercy will He have on me? Will God understand why I did what I did? Will He understand my circumstances and how I was raised? What will it be like? This is the single most important question you can ponder even if you believe you are completely prepared. Can you imagine what it will be like for those who aren’t ready to meet the God they have rejected?... To stand at His Judgment Seat, finding God’s rejection?... Is there a gate into an eternity with God?... Is there a pit with Demons?... Is there a Heaven? ...Is there a Hell?... The Judgment Seat has a single point of focus, “What did you do with my Son? Did you accept Him or Reject Him?”. You will one day face the purest form of the Gospel of Yeshua/Jesus, as the Son of Almighty God! You will have made a decision! You will have accepted Him as your Lord and Savior, or you will have rejected Him! You will see the eternal consequence of making that choice when you see The Judgment -The Final Appointment!

STORY LINE The Judgment Seat- The Final Appointment Story Line: You’re about to meet DR. JOHN STEINER, a skilled surgeon. He’s working extra evening shifts at the emergency room to keep his mind occupied and to be close to his loving wife REBEKAH, who is in the very last stages of brain cancer and near death. John lost all his faith in God when their teenage son was killed in a car wreck a few years earlier. Today, he’s simply angry! This evening the ER is experiencing a large number of fatalities; Carmen Martinez is in a car wreck; Joseph Smith, a drug dealer overdoses; Russell Adams drowns in a lake; the Patterson family of four, all die in their house from car exhaust fumes - Catherin-Mother, Ralph-Father, Sherri-daughter and Dion-son. As the pace in the ER slows down, John Steiner looks around. Dr. Steiner takes a break. He heads toward his wife’s room. In the hallway, he stops to take some pills to help keep him going. Approaching Rebekah’s room, Dr. Nash walks out and says, “John it’s about over.” As Dr. Nash walks away, Maria, his maid comes out. She was there putting makeup on Rebekah. John goes in to see his wife who appears very weak. Rebekah says, “John, I was talking to Maria about God. Are you sure…” John erupts in controlled anger, upset with Maria’s question. Exhausted, he comforts her. John heads to his office where he adds liquor to his pills. He is angry and throws a fit. The next thing he knows, there is an angel in the room, who takes him to a very special, unique Judgment Seat. When they get to the Judgment Seat Dr. Steiner is given a tour where he meets other Angels and sees the Book of Life. He gets too close to the pit where two demons reach up and grab his ankles. A lightning bolt strikes the demons and they retreat. Dr. Steiner is escorted to a nearby booth to view the JS from the side as people who have died in his ER are brought forward, individually to be judged. Carman, 24, having recently accepted Jesus at a Christian concert, is accepted into the kingdom. Dr. Steiner isn’t impressed thinking, “That was too easy.” Joe, 35, the drug dealer claims, “I didn’t have a chance!” is turned is cast into eternal fire. Dr. Steiner is upset because Joe was sent to Hell. Richard, 30 who drowned, is a nerd with no apparent talent or giftings. He learns how his simple life of giving and sharing with the poor has endeared him to God. He goes into God’s kingdom as “The Friend of God.” The Barnes family is a difficult dichotomy. They all died in their house by breathing the exhaust fumes from the truck in the garage. Their son chose to kill himself with the motor running. Catherine, 45, having been mediocre at teaching her family how to live their lives for God, had accepted Jesus years earlier and is accepted into the kingdom of God. Sherri, only 18 years old, believes she deserves to go to hell for her choices in life. God tells her that even though she got pregnant, she and Cathern kept Ralph from forcing her to get an abortion. She was able to arrange an adoption of the baby to a nice couple. Though she had many failures in life and though she had been molested, she is accepted into the kingdom. Ralph, 50, claims he was unaware Sherri had been molested. Ralph had served in his church as a Deacon, and a Sunday school teacher and had always been respected in his community as a leader… he has lived the life of a hypocrite. When his name is not found written in the Lamb’s book of Life, Ralph is cast into the pit. Dr. Steiner is upset when he sees what happens to Ralph. The son Dion, at 17 years of age, chose to kill himself, believing he was the reason his dad had taken a mistress and was about to divorce his mom. Dion learns he isn’t responsible for his dad’s choices. When his name is not found written in the Lamb’s Book of Life, Dion is cast into the pit. Dr. Steiner appears to be visibly shaken. People Dr. Steiner isn’t familiar with begin to come to the Judgment Seat. Leona, an older lady who died of a heart attack where she worked, appears dressed in a maid’s black and white dress. She is a very sweet and thankful woman who served God her entire adult life. The love she has for God is obvious and God’s love for her is, as well. She enters through the gates of the kingdom with great fanfare. It is a joyous and touching scene. Even Dr. Steiner’s heart is moved when he witnesses this. Next, the Patterson family, killed by a drunk driver, arrives at the Judgment Seat. First, Robert Jr. (Bobby), age 6, stands before God and is soon escorted into the kingdom. Stephanie, age 5, is next and she goes into the kingdom. Their dad, Robert, age 35 is so thankful as he steps forward, believing their whole family had been saved about 6 months earlier. Robert goes into the kingdom. Robert’s wife Leah, age 33, asks the Angel at the Book, “Why isn’t my name right there next to my husband’s name? I went forward the same night he did!” The Angel can’t find her name. Leah is informed she had not made a true heart decision but had gone along with her husband for appearance's sake. Leah fights as she is taken to be cast into the pit. In a dramatic plea, she begs God to send her back and allow her to be saved. God explains He will not break the rules for anyone! The scene is devastating. Dr. Steiner is taken aback. The next thing he hears is his wife Rebekah’s name called. He jumps up, lunging toward his Angel Guide crying, “No, she’s not ready!” He suddenly lands back on the couch in his office. Dr. Steiner immediately hears the hospital ER calling his name on the intercom “Dr. Steiner to ER! Dr. Steiner STAT!” He runs to the ER as Leona is being wheeled out. Leona is already gone. Right behind her is the Patterson family. The Patterson children and the Father arrived, DOA but the mother, Elaine is still alive. Dr. Steiner goes into near hysteria trying to keep her alive. He is fighting for her life with everything in him. The staff is astounded with the determination he is exhibiting. When she finally dies, he is devastated and hangs his head. He jerks his head up and runs for the door, “Rebekah is next! Oh God, no!” As he runs down the hall, Dr. Steiner is heard crying out, “No! She’s not ready!”. Her heart monitor is slowing down. The heart monitor goes flat. We hear Dr. Steiner cry out one last time, “No! She’s not ready!”. As his plea echoes the lights stage lights go out. The Angel Guide steps out of the darkness and tells everyone, “Close your eyes. Imagine the next thing you hear is your name being announced. Then, “Prepare to meet God Almighty!” You will stand here before God and He will ask you… “What did you do with my son?” The audience is then led in a prayer of repentance and acceptance of Yeshua/Jesus as the Son of God and Savior. When the alter call is concluded by the Angel Guide, each person in the audience will continue to be swept up in the drama. This personal moment allows the audience to experience and remain completely absorbed in the process, allowing them to accept the powerful, life-changing repentance of God's salvation of their soul.

The play, The Judgment Seat, has consistently been one of the most effective evangelism tools ever used. Hundreds of thousands of lives have been transformed by the power of the Gospel all over the world as the play has been presented in 13 different languages, often in small venues. The storyline follows an atheist ER doctor who sees, from a very unique perspective, twelve people, who die and must face the Judgment Seat of God. The power of the message has proven true every time. Across diverse people groups; Russians, Muslims, Europeans, Africans, Central Americans, or North Americans, virtually the same response has been realized, 20% of the audience has responded by seeking a personal relationship with the creator God through His Son. After each presentation, there has always been the question, “Were there others who didn’t come forward, but experienced a transformed heart?” At an English performance in Ft. Worth Texas, a Pakistani Muslim man came, saw the play, and responded to the Gospel message. The next night he brought his entire family ... they all embraced the Gospel! Overwhelmed, he declared, “You must get this out to my people!” The film version of The Judgment The Final Appointment? will be produced as a high-- quality film/ video, with a radio drama created simultaneously. The sole purpose of the project is to capture the power and compelling message of The Judgment Seat play, asking the Spirit of God to draw men and women to Himself through the power of the Gospel Message. With a significant distribution network in place through numerous ministries around the world, evangelistic efforts can be maximized immediately for the first five cultural adaptations of the play produced (English, Chinese, Spanish, French, and Arabic). These initially selected languages touch over 50% of the world’s population and, with the next two planned adaptations, will quickly climb to over 65% of the world’s people that can be reached. Utilizing the various technologies available including DVDs, CDs, flash drives, and other compact storage devices, as well as the internet, the transportation and dissemination of the message will proliferate rapidly. Additionally, satellite television and radio coverage afford the continuous propagation of this life-changing message into areas that missionaries have difficulty reaching. Finally, include the thousands of radio and TV stations owned by denominations around the world that share the evangelical mandate and their ability to broadcast the program over again. This may be the most cost-effective means of communicating the Gospel message on a large scale ever achieved. The vision is to create a tool that can be used through established networks, as well as empowering missionaries, churches, and anyone who owns a cell phone, computer, video projector, or television with a DVD player, In addition, anyone with a CD or MP3 device could access the radio drama to be exposed to the power of the Gospel and its transforming message. The scope and scale of the ministry possibilities are truly staggering. Yet if only 10% of the initial people groups saw or heard the presentation and only 10% responded, that would still represent millions of hearts transformed by the Gospel Message at only pennies per person. In recent years, The Jesus film project comes to mind as having been one of the most powerful tools of the last several decades. The Judgment Seat- The Final Appointment at the end there is a call to accept the transformational message of the Gospel which will follow in the footsteps of the Jesus film, In the play The Judgment Seat and its movie counterpart, The Judgment Seat, the question is asked over and over "what did you do with my son?" This same question will be asked in the of film's final scene, the audience will be asked the same question with an altar call, "What did you do with my son?"

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“And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in all the world as a witness to all the nations,
and then the end will come. Mt 24:14

Dear Friends in Christ, America is at her most desperate hour. If we have ever needed to get down on our knees and stay on our knees before the Lord Jesus for our families and our nation, it is right now. We want to see all of
America and the thousands upon thousands of migrants assimilating into our land return to God.

If ever there was a time to take back America with the gospel message it is now. It feels like the time is short and the goal line is in front of us. At a time like this, we are reminded of the Nation of Israel facing complete annihilation in the story of Queen Esther and how it took a nation on its knees in fasting and pray to save it. I think of the reluctant prophet Jonah, one man, who was sent to Ninevah with the simple message of repentance that saved its nation. And finally, I think of George Washington, who as a general put his own life on the line in service to our nation and the warning vision he was given for the future of this country. Hello, we are Re-Ignite America and Paradox Entertainment and we want to do our part. We have been asking ourselves what we can do towards achieving this Goal. , we are creating a video called, Commitment to America’s Freedom, and My Blood Runs Red White and Blue. Our goal is to Unite to Re-ignite America through this album.


Pappy's Porch

A completely Conservative-Christian Country entertainment that takes on hard subjects. A one-hour Sitcom based in a rural Texas Community around its weekly opera, which is a variety show. The sitcom is based on the production of the weekly show with every aspect of the production team blending into it. The Security Guard, Floor Director, Makeup Artist, the Green Room Hostess, the Graphic Artist/Technical Director, and the Producer, form the cast. Each week we will feature a nationally known quest singer, or group, or a guest of any type, and periodically introduce an unknown artist. The one hour will be split between the sitcom and at the songs. (EX: Two songs; guest artist, one song; new artist, one song; & and one special song like a hymn or theme song that blends in with the drama of the week.) The house band will be very acoustic and include banjo, violin, mandolin, and dobro along with a full harmony quartet. Pappy and Brendarella will host the show. Pappy is calm, middle of the road, and will be attempting to get the show done each week. Brendarella is the loving, sympathetic and empathetic, mother type, who is very gullible, and defends everyone. The Producer, Pappy, and the Floor Director will all be trying to get the show done while the rest of the cast will have a drama going on each week. The Makeup Artist is a negative, self-righteous cross between Ruth Buzzy and the Church lady. Her daughter is the Green Room Hostess who is a Goldie Hawn type, a true hippy, bleeding-heart liberal, and is the eternal optimist. Brendarella is usually trying to defend her. The Floor Director will always be the antagonist, upset with Pappy because he does not run a tight enough ship. He will be attempting to get the Producer to fire everyone and replace Pappy, with himself. He teams up with the Makeup Artist and uses the Greenroom Hostess.The Security Guard is a Barny Fife type who is also a “wannabe” military black-ops guy, talking in a “made up-military code” that no one understands. Ex: “Code Blue! - Level 3! Medium Threat!” He believes there is always an imminent threat, and the world is aboutto end. Josephene, a Lucy type, star struck, wannabe singer-song writer, is always sneaking in to meet the guests. She has a cassette of her latest song that she is always trying to get someone to listen to. Our security guard is constantly trying to catch her and throw her out. Our PA is about 20 and a sweet heart and always trying to help everyone. He and the Green Room Hostess are buddies. Our Cast must be multi-cultural, several black, Hispanic, etc, to deal with all the issues we want to go after. Two (?) Animated “Country legends” that are critiquing the events, like the Dukes’ of Hazards. Pappy’s Porch © 2024 & WGA Registered all rights reserved by Dr. C.R. Houck, This platform can develop this cast of characters and deal with all types of difficult subjects. It will allow for diversity of plots and the creation of memorable characters, as well as a platform for great music. I believe comedy is a tool that the church has never explored to be used for the KINGDOM. Just as All in the Family, Three’s Company, and Golden Girls were able to be platforms for the left’s agenda, it is time for the right to utilize this effective tool to influence and lead people back into valor, honor, respect, and righteousness. Each week will be a different situation to be enthralled with as we roll into great comedy, wonderful Texas Music, and talent that positively entertains the entire family. The worlds agenda is obviously not the same as the Kingdom of God’s. How do overcome the rigid presuppositions in the lost or wounded people that God wants to love on? We have to pass by the intellect and get right to the emotions. Drama does this all the time in all the performing arts and music. We need to become skilled emotional craftsmen. What tools are we choosing to use, comedy and Country boogie and bluegrass music. Who would have ever guessed these could be spiritual weapons? Eternity is part of the equation, but healing emotions and breaking chains is function of the Kingdom. We need to become so skilled that the enemy has no chance to beat us. We could help deliver people from hate, anger, preadjusted and fear. This is the kind of tool that could change part of the world.

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