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09 Commitment to AmericaRuss "Pappy" & Brenda Houck
00:00 / 03:03

Red, White & Blue: Re-ignite America with the Gospel! It is time to re-ignite America with the full gospel message and allow the Judgment Seat to lead the way as an evangelism tool that will provide much of the heavy lifting. The Judgment Seat presents the salvation gospel, the rewards of accepting God’s plan, consequences of rejection of the message, and the immediate opportunity to accept God’s only Son. Utilizing the emotional advantage of this sci-fi film, the Judgment Seat will lead to salvation being embraced in unprecedented numbers. If your desire is to “Save America” and you do not first save the souls of the population you are dealing with, your task may be insurmountable. We now have two generations of Americans who have not grown up in church and if we do not reach them now, the odds of us recovering this nation will become next to impossible. 1873 Charles Finney: THE PULPIT IS RESPONSIBLE for the Decay of Conscience — "If the public press lacks moral discrimination… If the church is degenerate and worldly… If the world loses its interest in religion… If Satan rules in our halls of legislation… If our politics become so corrupt that the very foundations of our government are ready to fall away, the pulpit is responsible for it" The complete gospel that was delivered to the first century church included salvation, healing, deliverance, and discipleship. (Isaiah 61:1, Luke 4:21) The American Church will spend an estimated $55 billion* in foreign missions while the leaders stand by and let our country, America, fall into every type of corruption and evil devise. The American church has decided to tolerate, and even worse embrace evil! The vast majority of the American Church has lost its vision and mission. Salvation, healing, deliverance, and discipleship are not on the agenda anymore. Entertainment, feel good messages, and social events dominate the church calendar now. The American Church is not preaching the gospel, healing the sick or breaking the chains of bondage. …. No light! No salt! Biblical Christianity is the foundation and heritage of the United States of America. That is what made this nation great to begin with, and it is the only thing that will restore it, and that is a fact! SAVE AMERICA PRIORITIES Assemble the Generals and call up the Troops! A Red, White, and Blue Re-Ignite America Awareness Rally-TV event with:  Singers and speakers that want to stand with us to reach this nation.  Allow Video conferences for those who cannot be there in person to address the audience. Re-Ignite America is a 2-step biblical mandate: 1) Salvation - We call “The Invasion,” and 2) Discipleship - We call “Kingdom Boot-Camp.” The Judgment Seat and Kingdom Boot Camp materials and videos must be completed in English, and Spanish in Phase-1. The Kingdom bootcamp primer is four hours and consists of five video lessons with workbooks and a study bible. 2 Cor 10:4 For the weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds.

UNITE TO RE-IGNITE AMERICA What is your calling and what is your vision? What has God equipped you to do? Do you have the communication skills and resources to conduct a Kingdom invasion or establish a Kingdom Boot Camp? Are you being called to your church, a neighborhood, or to a specific ghetto? Are you called to a city, to a metroplex, group of cities, or even to reach a Country, or to save our planet? What is a soul worth? What value do we or can we put on the salvation of a soul? When Bill Bright began his journey for the Jesus Film, he asked of his group to raise a billion dollars to reach a billion people. One dollar per soul. He accomplished both. He raised the money, and the global effect has exceeded all expectations and predictions. We believe we can match his dream for $.50 a soul. Exciting new tools and advantages in technology along with the teams God is assembling will make this outreach possible. First, we need to invade America with the complete Gospel to reignite the vision and mission of the American church. Our population is 333 million. In the last 40 years, The Judgment Seat play has averaged over 25% audience response to the message. What if we only reach 15 %? That is 50 million people at $.50 per soul, which is $25 million. We can produce both the English and Spanish versions with the first animations for the $25 million and include the production of the Kingdom Boot Camp materials. All of this will set the groundwork for preparation in other languages. God has given us the tools, the vision, and the plan to take back what has been stolen from us, our Godly heritage. Can you imagine the number of souls that could be added to your crown? What better thing could you possibly fund? How many men, women and children do you want to bring into the Kingdom of God? Fifty cents a soul! Together, we can do it, with your help. Join with us as we Re-ignite America and take back what has been stolen from us. If you are a minister who wants to be a part of this movement, if you are a businessman who wants to help sponsor this movement, or if you are ready to be a leader in a city, an area, or a State, please contact us. We need to unite to Re-Ignite our nation and our people. Contact us to “enlist” in The Invasion to Re-Ignite America. *Researchers at the Center for the Study of Global Christianity, writing for the International Bulletin of Mission Research, estimate that $55 billion will be spent on foreign missions in 2023. That may seem excessive, but the same researchers also estimate that Christian religious leaders will embezzle $62 billion in 2023. Foreign financial reporting: When church money travels overseas | Voice (

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